Partner Story – Proterra & Citrus College
Students say they appreciate the industry-recognized knowledge, skills and abilities of the instructor. All have voiced their appreciation for his receptivity to their questions and ability to communicate this very technical subject matter in terms they understand. They acknowledge this is a rigorous, entry level college career technical education (CTE) course offered by Citrus College and have shared their interest in learning more about the industry.
They have also had the benefit of discussions with a couple of current Proterra employees (Incumbent Workers) who are also enrolled in the course. These discussions have ranged from the day to day operations of technicians, the company culture to career advancement within the company. The current employees have been very helpful in the areas of both course theory as well as practical applications.
Many of the students have stated that in addition to Proterra offering a career opportunity in one of the fastest-growing segments of the economy, they like the idea that they are helping to build a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable community for themselves and their families. Some of them have already referred a few friends for the next cohort. They all are looking forward to graduation and becoming members of the Proterra team.
Some students were very appreciative of all the additional help that they received, such as tools, boots, shuttle and transportation assistance.
Pomona Valley AJCC, Miguel Contreras Foundation, WorkForce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS), Proterra and Citrus College working as a team, provided a training and job placement opportunities to 15 individuals in high growth, green industry sector. As a team we were able to cover tuitions fees, stipends and supportive services.
“The secret is to gang up on the problem, rather than each other”- Thomas Stallkamp
That’s how we are working together as a team and solving all our problems while the program is in progress.