UPS Success Story

A Success Story from the inaugural UPS Package Training cohort.
We’d like to recognize Luis Fierros for his successful completion and job offer from UPS. Luis was a particular inspiration to his classmates and is already making great strides on the job.
According to his manager at the UPS Compton distribution center, I’ve seen the impact the program has on these new hires. I have Luis working in my shift, he’s a great young man who’s really trying to turn his life around.
Way to go, Luis!
A very special congratulations to the first graduating class for the UPS Package Training Program. All twelve students successfully completed their course work and received job offers from UPS immediately after receiving their certificate.

Scholarship Winners Congratulations
The Miguel Contreras Foundation would like to extend a very special congratulations to all of this year’s scholarship recipients.
It was a pleasure to get the group together and meet everyone via Zoom. The Contreras family including Senator Durazo and the MCF Staff were all on hand to offer inspiring words to the students as they enter a new phase in their academic careers. We look forward to watching this group achieve all of their academic goals as we build out this special group’s alumni network over the years.

Immigration Story

My name is Jesus Lino, and I am from Los Angeles, CA. I graduated from the Los Angeles School of Global Studies in 2017 and just recently graduated from Harvard College this past May with a degree in Applied Math and a minor in Psychology. I am currently starting my first year at the Harvard Graduate School of Education through the Harvard Teacher Fellows Program.
Partner Story – Proterra & Citrus College

Students say they appreciate the industry-recognized knowledge, skills and abilities of the instructor. All have voiced their appreciation for his receptivity to their questions and ability to communicate this very technical subject matter in terms they understand. They acknowledge this is a rigorous, entry level college career technical education (CTE) course offered by Citrus College and have shared their interest in learning more about the industry.
In Other News…