Proterra Partnership
MCF in partnership with USW Local 675 and Proterra is ready to launch a nearly 1-Million-dollar union/employer partnership to train and place underserved workers into quality durable jobs in advanced electric bus manufacturing, commencing on July 23, 2021. Governor Newsom announced the last round of awardees in the CWBD’s High Road Training Partnership program grantee’s and MCF was among the 11 innovated programs chosen, as the Fiscal Agent of the USW 675 and Proterra training will receive $646,345 on July 1, 2021.
In addition, we have also been awarded the Community Development Block Grant from Supervisors Hilda Solis office in District 1, in the amount of $150,000, based on a monthly reimbursement that MCF will match for participant stipends in the program. Making sure we help with local hiring.
The resources to launch this unique training program comes as a result of both a Collective Bargaining Agreement, as well as a Community Benefits Agreement with Jobs to Move America that identifies priority populations to target for recruitment and training programs. Through these agreements, Proterra has committed to working in partnership with labor and community organizations to ensure that women, black workers, systems impacted individuals, veterans and aged-out foster youth have priority access to training and hiring programs developed by the partners. This commitment is a way to ensure that the public dollars used to purchase transit buses from Proterra also create good job opportunities for workers that have historically been underrepresented in manufacturing.
We will create direct pipelines into skilled manufacturing careers to approximately 75 participants over two years with a placement goal of 70% post-training, and to benefit 30 incumbent workers supplemental training and certification over the same period.